Wednesday 29 June 2016

Herrlicher Schlamm!

Draußen gießt es ununterbrochen - weswegen ich jetzt hier am Computer sitze ...

Call ducks sind zwar süße kleine Enten, aber genau so gut wie meine Laufis können sie ein Stück Boden in Windeseile in einen Morast verwandeln.  Ich war schon so oft ausgerutscht in dem kleinen Gehege dass ich heute morgen auf die Schnappsidee kam alte Handtücher um ihren frisch gefüllten Teich zu legen.  Das gefiel ihnen gar nicht!  Ein Blick auf die ausgebreiteten Handtücher und allemann stiegen straks zurück in den Stall. 

Nach einer Weile des Überlegens kamen sie vorsichtig wieder heraus und gingen hintenrum wo sie ein Stück matschigen Boden ohne Handtücher fanden.  Ich bin zurück ins Haus gegangen damit die Kleinen ihrem Hobby ohne Beaufsichtigung folgen konnten ...

Gestern habe ich meiner lieben Nichte Susi diesen gestrickten Igel geschickt, 
ich hoffe er gefällt ihr!

Er gefiel ihr ausgesprochen gut!

Friday 24 June 2016

Die "neuen" Enten sind da!

My little troop of ducks were very interested in what was going on in their run.

Yesterday morning I dug out a shallow pond, lined it, put tiles around to hold the plastic down, and planted some oregano on one side.  I had to go into the house, and when I looked through the window I could see all 7 in that new little puddle pool - it was a muddy puddle when I went back out!

After cleaning it out and refilling it I decided that grass and thyme would be a nicer surround than tiles, and I made sure the separating fence was up when I left the run

My new ducks arrived early this afternoon, first the ageing Aylesbury "Pato" and then the 6 little call ducks, 1 drake and 5 girls. They are so cute!

They all took to the water immediately and then explored their new surroundings, it looked like they felt at home right away.

Mick was happy to see his mum's little flock settling so well into their new home but was sorry to say goodbye to them.

He and Elaine will come and visit them often, though!

Having gone in for my dinner I could see my 7 trooping up to investigate their new neighbours.  Jay in particular spent ages running up and down the separating fence trying to get at the new ducks, and came back by himself to repeat that performance even after the rest of the flock had gone down to the big pond again.

A few blooms from the garden to finish for today, also to show that the delphinium I bought on 5th May turned out to be pink and blue at the same time and that one of the hollyhocks I got from Graham last year is heading for the roof:

This gorgeous rose was a present from my friend Petra last year.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Neuer Zaun am Entengehege

The fence to keep all the ducks safe was finished early this afternoon, which made me think it was high time to take the camera walkabout.

6 ducks were having a heavy preening session in front of the house.

Gertie had gone off to find her own bowl of water.

The two boys wouldn't tolerate that and escorted her back to the group,


where she gave a lovely demonstration of how to be an angel:

The beautiful climbing rose "Albertine" I had brought all the way from my Desford home in 1998.  A piece of it is mixing merrily with the cream and red roses over the arch to the duck run, but the main part is growing very well along the hazel hedge I planted last year.  I think the leaves of the golden hop complement it very well.


Friend Michael Hall has done a great job building this new fence.  The 6 Call and 1 Aylesbury ducks were the treasured pets of his late mother, they will be safe inside the duck run. Michael, his wife Elaine and myself couldn't manage to carry Captain's hut uphill from the side of the big pond, I had to give my great friend Graham a call and he came and gave us very welcome help. I am going to put a temporary fence around the new ducks' hut until they get used to their new surroundings and my 7 runners can get used to them. 


On my way back round to the duck run I took a couple of quick snaps in the conservatory.  This Calla lily disappears without trace every winter and suddenly appears again this time of year when I've forgotten all about it.

Banana trees, grape vine and leaf cacti are all doing very well:

I'll be interesting to see how my little lot will react to their new guests in the duck run.


This patch next to the Post Office fence continues to give me lots of pleasure, there is always something new in flower.  The buds of the Turk's Cap Lilies started opening two days ago, and now my favourite Allium "Schubertii" is doing its 'firework exploding' stuff. Very soon the white buds of the mock orange you can see in the background will open and fill the air with a very sweet fragrance.